The story behind altjehaarma goods

A few years ago in an Ayurvedic retreat in Pune, India in it Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute & Research Center was denied our shampoo. During the Panchakarma Therapy you were smeared with oil and medicinal ghee to purify the body. From day 1 we received the instruction that Shampoo was forbidden. This was the first time that I thought that Shampoo can disrupt the natural cleaning process.
No Poo Shampoo
When I returned from India after a few months, a friend appealed to me about "no Poo ’and how great this was for her hair. At the same time, the book "Womancode: Perfect Your Cycle, Amplify Your Fertility, Supercharge Your Sex Drive, And Become A Power Source by Alisa Vitti on my path, in which she devotes a whole chapter to how harmful certain substances in cosmetics & shampoo are. These substances were also simply in almost every shampoo. Immediately I ordered a lot of Ayurvedic herbs from India and started my experiment. From 1one Try Out I had a Eureka moment. How is this possible?